Product Description
ROOFBLOK Ballast Pavers can be used on roofs in new construction, retrofit & renovation projects, as a lightweight protection layer on patios and terraces over waterproofing membranes and in other areas limited to light to medium foot traffic. ROOFBLOK's unique design and use of modern concrete technology provide a uniform, weight of 12-24 psf (depending on the wind uplift requirements). The dead load weight of field-applied stone ballast varies dramatically. ROOFBLOK Ballast Pavers create a smooth, nonskid, walkable surface that permits foot traffic on maintenance, patio and terrace areas while protecting against scouring, vandalism, hailstones, ultraviolet rays and other forces that might tear, puncture or expose the roof membrane. ROOFBLOK Ballast Pavers are noncombustible and will protect the roof assembly from burning embers and flame spread from external fire sources. ROOFBLOK Ballast Pavers have a Class A rating from Factory Mutual. ROOFBLOK Ballast Pavers have a low unit weight which makes them easy to handle. The smooth, integrated drainage channels allow direct contact on most membranes and insulation without the need for costly drainage pedestals. Except for a perimeter securement, ROOFBLOK Ballast Pavers require no clips, dowels or strapping. Blocks are cut with a circular saw and, once installed, can be easily removed for membrane inspection.